No Dinosaurs on a Farm

***formerly known as "Cold & Calculating"

Friday, November 11, 2005

Blogger's Block

When I started blogging, I thought I would never go so many days without entering a post. Yet, here it has been some time, and I wanted some kind of explanation. So I analyzed the situation and discovered something very interesting--or at least as interesting as anything else on this blog: all of my previous blogs were composed while riding my bicycle.

Does that explain the gap in blogging? Certainly, because I have not been riding my bike recently due to poor weather conditions. Nor will I be riding again for quite some time. So this leaves me wondering whether I will only blog during warm months.

Nevertheless, I would hate to create a blog containing only speculation. I take the bus now instead of biking, and that means that I can read on my way to work. (Incidentally, I have perfected the skill of reading while walking--even descending stairs--but I haven't the guts to try it on a bike.)

Here is what I have been reading the last two weeks:

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving
Various Stories, by Edgar Alan Poe (Tell-Tale Heart is my favorite)
The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell

What have you been reading?