No Dinosaurs on a Farm

***formerly known as "Cold & Calculating"

Monday, October 03, 2005

When Kids Really Get It

As a father, I hope my daughters can really understand the reasons for the rules we have. When they do, it means we don't have to address the same or similar problems repeatedly. Instead, they make good decisions based on correct principles. A story will illustrate what I mean:

My four year-old, Ann, was playing with a friend, Jasmina, on the playground. According to Ann, another girl came up to them and started saying mean things to them. Ann and Jasmina responded by saying mean things back. The girl ran away crying and I had to have a discussion with Ann. The point I tried to make was this:

When you do mean things, no matter what the reason, you lose the Spirit in your heart. So it is always better to be nice to others--even when they are being mean--because at least you will know in your heart that you are doing what is right.

A few weeks later Ann came crying to me from the playground. Two girls--her friends--were saying mean things to her:

Me (concerned): What did you do?
Ann: I told them I just wanted to be their friend.
Me: And what did they do?
Ann (sadly): They kept saying the mean things, but I didn't say them back because I wanted the Spirit in my heart.
Me (proudly): That is right, Ann.
Ann (with brows scrunched and one fist clenched): But I wanted so bad to say something mean back!


  • At 05 October, 2005 00:32, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a great father my little brother is. Not only did you teach her to listen to her heart, you also taught her that she can admit to you things she may be ashamed of (...I wanted so badly to...).I think this second lesson is just as important as the first and has set a foundation for a strong father/daughter relationship.

  • At 05 October, 2005 00:55, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I LOVE ANN!! She has always had such a strong personality.

    I laughed when you told me that story two weeks ago. It is still funny, maybe even funnier. LOL LOL.

  • At 05 October, 2005 15:03, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i read this and can only respond by saying...
    Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt Ann

  • At 07 October, 2005 00:05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hehehe that story is even better the second time around.

    On an unrelated topic: Brian, you know you're a nerd when you put a link to PubMed on your profile.

  • At 07 October, 2005 17:25, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Classic, absolutely hillarious.

    You know your kids are really getting it when they choose to do the right thing in the face of adversity. Sometimes we try to teach our kids by manipulating the circumstances and outcomes, thus making it easier to choose the right than choose the wrong. For example: "tell your sister you're sorry or you'll get grounded for life" or "eat your grean beans or run away". And although they might do the right thing under those circustances, they haven't necessarily developed the character trait we were looking for. Kind of like a Pavlov dog- take path of least resistance or with greatest immediate reward. But when your kids do the right thing, when the immediate results might be negative, then you know they're actually developing character. You 2 make a good mommy and daddy. Sniff...sniff... I'm choking myself up here.

  • At 09 October, 2005 12:21, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree, you and Wendy are great parents. The important thing here is that Ann did the right thing because she wanted to have the Spirit, not just because she wanted to please daddy. This means she has recognized how she feels when she has the Spirit in her heart, and that it feels good. Too often we do what we want that will give us an immediate, tangible reward instead of what will invite the Spirit into our heart. We succumb to what we want so badly or what we perceive will impress the crowd. Ann is mature beyond her years. Let's hope this desire to have the Spirit always holds sway over the temptations she will face, especially when she is away from your immediate influence.-----Mom


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